
On an Ubuntu system, the following are the main dependencies:

  • The build system: install pdm

  • For synthesis: install oss-cad-suite

  • For examples that include a softcore: rust

    • To build stripped images for RISC-V, you also need:

      rustup target add riscv32im-unknown-none-elf
      rustup component add rustfmt clippy llvm-tools
      cargo install cargo-binutils svd2rust form

To set up the environment:

cd gateware
git submodule update --init --recursive
pdm install

All examples are built in CI. If you’re having trouble setting up your environment, it may also be worth checking the github workflow configuration.

By default, synthesis will use yowasp-yosys and yowasp-nextpnr-ecp5 , rather than any oss-cad-suite you have installed. When running locally, builds are usually faster if you point to your own installation - modify gateware/.env.toolchain (simply deleting it will try to find yosys in your PATH).